Senin, 17 Maret 2008


RECALLING past often generate the liking feeling. There is
a period of/to liking and sorrowful enriching our life, and in consequence we
often saving of memory photos from past. But photo album having limitation. As time passes, photo will fadeor turn yellow. Others photograph only can be enjoyed by one who
because memory is only owned by the people, and our kadangkala forget the momen which have taken place.Overcoming this limitation, now emerge the trend to make the
album photograph in the form of video. Excess form this format, photo can
kept therewith text reminding we memory willhappened. Others we can enter/include the music which depicting our personality, as well as including voice into the video.
In this tutorial is we will learn how to make thealbum video photograph with the program of Adobe Premiere Pros 2.0. Photos
earn the discan, is then improve;repaired with the program Photoshop of so that/ to be colour its genuiness can reappear.Differ from the other tutorial, photos which wish presented
altogether have on file in layer-layer in Photoshop.
There is containing layer photograph in this time, frame the photo, text, tender age photo, and background. Let us start...

Making Album Photograph by
Photoshop and Premiere Pro 2.0

1. Open the program AdobePremiere Pros 2.0, then click the icon New Project to making project
new. At box dialogued by New Project select;choose the DV – RATCH Standard 48 Khz
to make the DVD of photo Album.
Afterwards select;choose the location projek with clicking knob Browse, and
giving this name projek by the name of Photo Album, last depress the knob O.K..
2. Select;Choose the menu File*Import, last select;choose the file Johan.Psd
residing in tutorial DVD. this File Photoshop contain all photo
what is required in practice. At window Import The Layered File : Johan.Psd click the option Sequence of exist in choice box Import the Ace, last depress the knob O.K..
3. At trilateral window Project click residing in to from other side the folder Champion to present all layer imported from Photoshop. Click right [at] layer Video 1, then select;choose the
Add Tracks to add the layer video.
4. Type 3 at box dialogued by Add of Video Tracks,
last depress the knob O.K.. Alter the name of each layer video by clicking the right layer video, then select;choose the Rename. Typing new name, later;then continue by button the
Enter. Alter name layer Video 6 becoming Photo Now, layer Video 5 becoming Text of Remind Me, layer Video 4 becoming Frame, layer Video 3 becoming Tender Age Photo, layer Video 2 becoming Boldness Text, layerVideo 1 becoming Background. Click the Champion photo / existing johan.psd in Library, and draw into the layer Photograph Now. Later;Then shift the
the photo so that/ to be residing in precisely in right position under.
5. Now we will entitle the film by depressing menu File*New*Title. At box of choice of New Title, giving Title name, last depress the knob
O.K.. Type the title of Flashback of Johan’S Life, later;then depress the icon Selection, and icon Center. You
can alter the style by chosening one of style which have been provided, in this tutorial is writer chosen the style. Shift so that title reside in the midst, later;then depress the knob Close residing in right corner for.
6. Now draw the title which have been made, and place at layer Background. Way of doing/conducting it the is same as at step 9.Perbesarlah layer Photograph Now from 6 second become 72 second ( 1 minute, 12 second) by clicking right draw the Champion/ Johan.Psd of exist in timeline, then chosen the Speed / duration.
7. Click to enchain is here in, right side. last alter the Duration become 00:01:12:00. Enchaining have to be released by a speed changing. Become don't forget to depress to enchain so that apart. If have, depress the knob O.K..
8. Draw the photo Background/Johan.Psd of exist in library to layer Background in side Title. Enlarge the size measure the photo in Window Program so that close over entire/all black area. Then draw the Photo 01 / Johan.Psd, Frame the / johan.psd, The Picture remind me, and Text 01 / Johan.Psd into layer other
9. Draw the right side fill from layer of Text of Remind Me Frame, and parallel Background so that by layer Photograph Now. Placing all other;dissimilar Text and Photo residing in library into Timeline.
10. So that/ to be better result, we will give the transition. Its way easy, that is with clicking tab Effects, then clickbeside Video Transitions, later;then chosen the transition what is wanted, and draw it into timeline Last step is which Your need do/conduct is make the
project become the DVD. Click the menu of File*Export*Export to DVD, last
select;choose the Burn to Disc, Folder, or ISO Image. Afterwards click the knob
Burn. You can see the result render from video tutorial by opening End Result file.

INFO Excess from affiliation of Photoshop and
Premiere is automatically change will affect at file of project Premiere of if we alter the file foto.psd. Become which Your need do/conduct only merender repeat. You earn also enhance the audio by importing audio file, then enter/include it into timeline Audio 1. Facility of Export to DVD of there's only in Adobe Premiere Pros 2.0.

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